67 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment Workshop, Royal Army Ordnance Corps
Died on Tuesday, 14th July 1942 aged 33
Personal Information:
William Harry was born in 3Q/1909 in Marylebone, the eldest son of Harry Rattle and Gertrude Harrison, who were married in 2Q/1908 in St Pancras.
In 1911 his father was a gunner in the Royal Garrison Artillery and the family were living in Rome Road, New Romney. Also serving in WW1 from 12 March 1915, his father was awarded the Victory Medal, the British War Medal and the 1914-15 Star, and was sent to reserve on 9 March 1919.
William’s brother Charles James Hughes Rattle was also in the Second World War; as a tank troop sergeant in North West Europe with the Royal Hussars. As a result of his leadership and bravery, Charles was recommended for the Military Medal.
Historical Information:
The 67 (York and Lancaster) HAA regiment was part of the 1st Indian Anti-Aircraft Brigade in India at this time, and went into action in Assam later during September that year.
6D7 Delhi War Cemetery, India

Delhi War Cemetery is about 11 kilometres from New Delhi, on the eastern outskirts of Delhi Cantonment.